ALSO: Scroll down for a list of members and community supporters of the
Greenpoint/Williamsburg Waterfront Task force. Many thanks to these
organizations and the many individual volunteers who have participated
in our campaign!
Greenpoint/Williamsburg Waterfront Task Force Members and Supporters:
Lead Organizers
Supporting Religious Institutions
- Church of the Ascension
- Congregation Ahavas Israel
- Greenpoint Reformed Church
- Holy Ghost Ukrainian Catholic Church
- Our Lady of Consolation Church
- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church
- St. Vincent De Paul RC Church
- St. Anthony/St. Alphonsas Church
- St. John's Lutheran Church
- United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg
- Vincent DePaul Society/St. Anthony's of Padua
Supporting Community Organizations
- Brooklyn Legal Services, Inc.
- Brooklyn Woodworkers Co-op
- Choir Angelus
- Concerned Citizens of Withers St.
- Dupont Street Senior HDFC
- El Puente Academy
- Friends of Grand Ferry Park
- Friends of India Street Pier
- Friends of Newtown Barge Terminal Playground and Greenpoint Park
- Friends of the Northside
- Green Oaks
- Greenpoint Ave/West St Block Assoc.
- Greenpoint Civic Council
- Greenpoint Property Owners Assoc.
- Greenpoint Renaissance Society
- Greenpoint Video Project
- Greenpoint/Williamsburg Youth Soccer League
- Ind. Friends of McCarren Park, Inc.
- India Street Block Assoc.
- John Smolenski Memorial Dem Club
- Live/Work Coalition
- McGoldrick Park Historic Pres.
- Musica Against Drugs
- Noble Street Block Association
- North 5th Street Block Association
- North Brooklyn Development Corp
- North Brooklyn Greens
- North Greenpoint Neighbors for
Environmental Justice
- Northside Community Development
- Northside Community Garden
- Northside Merchants Association
- Nuestro Ninos Day Care
- Oak Street Block Association
- Park Moms
- People's Firehouse
- Polish American Folk Dance Co.
- Polish National Home
- Polish Veterans Ladies Auxiliary
- Polonia Technica
- P.S.C. Community Services, Inc.
- River Charter School
- Save Our Southside
- Southside United HDF (Los Sures)
- St. Nicholas Neighborhood Pres & Housing
- Sybiracy
- Ukrainian National Home
- Watchperson Project
- WaterWays and Green Views
Supporting Businesses
- Art Page Gallery
- The Bagel Store
- Bakery Rzeszowska
- Beacon's Closet
- Beata Delicatessen, Inc.
- The Bike Shop
- billburg.com
- Brooklyn Architects Collaborative
- Brooklyn Brewery
- Brooklyn Industries
- Choice Spa Nails
- Crypto
- Earwax
- Eyewash Gallery
- Excello Recording
- Four Walls Project
- The Garden
- The Girdle Factory
- The Greenpoint Gazette
- Kurier Plus
- Mission Sound Recording
- Momenta Art Gallery
- New York Press
- North 6th
- Photoplay Video and DVD
- Pierogi 2000
- Roebling Hall
- Sam & Seb
- Spatial, Etc.
- Spoonbill & Sugartown, Booksellers
- The Stable Dance & Yoga Studio
- Teddy's Bar & Grill
- Tops
- Turkey's Nest Tavern
- Vera Cruz
- Zoe's Beauty Products
Supporting Artists
- Dutch Kills
- Erica Smith
- Hamill on Trial
- Hugh Pool
- Patti Smith
- Tandy
- Vic Thrill
- Vitimin X
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