Our neighborhood, their target? Okay--but who are "THEY"?
TransGas Energy Systems, LLC,
is a private
energy development company whose principal is Adam Victor. Mr. Victor's
previous power plant experience includes just one small cogeneration
plant (79 megawatts) in Syracuse, NY, called Project Orange Associates,
For the Greenpoint/Williamsburg project (designed as one of
the largest in New York.) Mr. Victor has assembled an expensive team of
attorneys, lobbyists, public relations firms, and "environmental
consultants" to pursue State and city approval as aggressively as
possible. While he has claimed to be open and responsive to the needs of
our community, Mr. Victor's development approach has not included open
dialogue with community leaders. Instead, Mr. Victor has been trying to
divide the community by offering unpublicized benefits as well as money
to individual organizations for the hiring of "independent" consultants--an
arrangement entirely outside of the official regulatory process (see
Article X process: intervenor funds).
Additionally, Mr. Victor's team has circulated unsubstantiated claims
regarding socio-economic and environmental impact--false advertising
which has been reported to the New York State Attorney General's Office
for investigation. Read on!
TGE's proposed "Public Benefits"
TGE "anticipates" over $500 million in increased economic activity for
New York City...
But how will TGE obtain the funding for this huge
enterprise in the first place, when other well-established energy
companies (such as Sithe Energies, Reliant, and Mirant) are withdrawing
or postponing power plant construction in New York, citing difficulties
in the energy sector?
TGE "anticipates" tens of millions of dollars per year in energy savings
and increased tax revenue for New York...
Energy savings for who? Not
us! Furthermore, the Polish and Slavic Credit Union has estimated that
property values near the site would fall as much as 40% with the
construction of this plant. The overall net loss is likely to overshadow
any promised gain in tax revenue from TGE.
TGE "anticipates" that using natural gas will eliminate hundreds of
millions of gallons in Mid-East oil imports...
Hot air! There is no
substantiation for this claim, mere speculation.
TGE "anticipates" a reduction of air emissions in our community by
millions of pounds per year...
Only assuming old power plants come
offline if TGE's project is approved. In fact, they have no assurance
that this will happen, and there is no likelihood that it will!
TGE "anticipates" saving hundreds of millions of gallons of NYC drinking
water annually...
This implies a deal with the NYC Department of
Environmental Protection and Con Edison. The truth is, no deal exists!
TGE "anticipates" the incorporation of innovative environmental
architecture for the Brooklyn waterfront...
An actual example: grass
cultivated up the walls of their 325 foot smokestack! Interesting--but
what happens to our spectacular views to and from Manhattan?
TGE promises to protect against consumer blackouts and reactivate the
power grid if they occur...
Another unsubstantiated claim!
In view of this false advertising, the Task Force has submitted an
official complaint to State agencies that "Although some of these
statements could be partially true, they appear to be, at a minimum,
exaggerations which will mislead the public. Since an application has
not been filed yet, there is no opportunity for the public to review the
basis of any such assertions. Some of the statements are certainly
premature, since they depend on other parties and circumstances that are
beyond TGE's control, such as an agreement with DEP to use wastewater
and an agreement with Con Edison for steam sales..."
TGE is required to submit a monthly
report with the Department of Public Service, including all letters TGE
receives from the public. Contact TGE
now and let them know what you
think of their empty promises.
You can also call: 800-215-2464
FAX: 718-384-5898
Or visit their office: One North 12th Street, Monday
through Friday, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Plus, contact your elected representatives now
and ask them to defend our waterfront against TGE's brand of energy speculation!
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