Spring '01 | TGE proposes constructing 1,100 MW facility at North 12th Street. Greenpoint/Williamsburg community unites in opposition to TGE project. |
9/13/01 | TGE files preliminary scoping statement under Article X two days after attack on World Trade Center. |
Fall/Winter '01 | Department of Public Service holds public forums regarding proposed TGE facility. TGE's marketing and outreach is the subject of a formal complaint to New York State Attorney General Elliot Spitzer for deceptive advertising and deceptive trade practices. |
Spring '02 | Parties negotiate stipulations for environmental studies related to impacts from proposed TGE facility. Community refuses to enter into stipulations with TGE. |
12/24/02 | TGE files Christmas Eve application for Article X and Title V permits for 1100 MW above-ground plant seven days before Article X siting statute expires. |
2/24/03 | Siting Board Chairman determines that application did not meet minimum requirements under Article X. Chairman permits TGE to supplement application over objection of Community Coalition. |
6/5/03 | Siting Board Chairman determines that TGE application is complete. |
7/17/03 | Siting Board hearing examiners conduct public statement hearings. Community representatives and elected officials give detailed presentations on the incompatibility of TGE with plans for Greenpoint/Williamsburg waterfront. |
Fall '03 | Siting Board hearing examiners conduct over two weeks of hearings where lawyers for the City, the community and local developers build case against TGE. |
4/1/04 | Siting Board hearing examiners issue 135-page recommended decision that TGE proposal is not in the public interest because of its conflict with land uses proposed in the Greenpoint/Williamsburg rezoning. |
9/04 | Siting Board grants TGE permission to develop plans to place its plant underground. |
Spring '07 | Siting Board hearing examiners recommend that underground plant be rejected. |
June '07 | Siting Board orders TGE to get property rights from NYC before considering whether it will give TGE permission to build underground plant. |
July '07 | TGE informs Siting Board that it will not get property rights from NYC for underground plant. TGE asks the Siting Board to issue final ruling on above-ground plant proposal that the hearing examiners ruled against on 4/1/04 |
2/8/08 | Siting Board schedules meeting for 3/20/08 to "consider the pleadings filed by the parties since the issuance of the Board's Order Concerning Further Proceedings on June 25, 2007" where TGE was ordered to obtain property rights from NYC. |
3/20/08 | Siting Board votes unanimously to dismiss the TransGas power plant proposal. |